Social Events

Kitchissippi United Church organizes a variety of social events throughout the year. Sometimes we call them “fellowship” which means the same thing. These events include:

  • Coffee and snacks after church every Sunday at 11 am  in the Main Hall

  • Spring Rummage Sale (April)

  • Congregational Picnic (June)

  • A Golf Tournament (June)

  • Fall Rummage Sale (September)

  • UCW Annual Christmas Bake Sale (November)

We also have “fellowship groups” that meet regularly – anyone is welcome!



The United Church Women (U.C.W.)

The Afternoon UCW Group meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 1-3 pm in the Parlour from September to November and January until May. The meetings often feature speakers on topical issues, laughs, and discussion; there are always yummy snacks!

In December and June, we have one big potluck dinner in the church hall on the first Wednesday of the month, at 6:00 pm. All ladies are welcome!


Men’s Breakfast and Discussion Group 

Gentlemen are invited to discuss and debate current events and the problems of the world over bacon and eggs at ‘The Men’s Breakfast’, which is held every third Tuesday of the month at Local Heros on Clyde Ave, at 8:30 am in the church hall, except in July and August.


Men’s Book and Discussion Group 

Gentlemen are invited to read suggested books by the group and then come and discuss them over refreshments in the Parlour.  

If there are other ways you would like to be involved with Kitchissippi socially, please let us know!