
Kitchissippi United makes a difference by responding to needs in the community, offering pastoral care, accompanying people on their grief journey, providing spiritual education opportunities, and extending vital nursing support.  We depend on the generosity of our members and adherents to meet expenses.

Here are some ways that you can give:

1) Secure Interact etransfer – Donate by etransfer at 

2) Canada Helps –  To make an online donation go to

3) Get on PAR (Pre-Authorized Payment) go to

PAR stabilizes our income flow and helps us know that we can count on your support for our ministry.  It means monthly contributions throughout the year that allows us to plan our budgets more accurately because pre-authorized donations guarantee us a steady income stream.

4) Mail a donation/cheque (no cash please) to Kitchissippi United Church  630 Island Park Drive, Ottawa, ON  K1Y 0B7. 

Special Occasion: a ‘gift’ to Kitchissippi Memorial Fund is a caring and significant way to honour a friend, relative, or colleague. Recognize a special occasion in their life with a gift of faithful stewardship.

Have questions or concerns? Contact the church office at 613-722-7254 or email