The Kitchissippi Choir
Music is an integral part of the worship experience at Kitchissippi United and plays an important role within our church community. At the heart of Kitchissippi’s music program is our talented and dedicated choir, led by our music director Gavan Quinn. In addition to singing hymns, anthems and other choral offerings at Sunday services, our choir presents music at special events throughout the year, including contemplative evening services, Christmas concerts, fundraising events and carol singing within the local community.
Gavan Quinn, Music Director
Gavan brings a wealth of experience and versatility as a musician to his role as music director at Kitchissippi United. An Ottawa native, Gavan received his A.R.C.T. diploma in piano performance before pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in music composition at the University of Toronto., followed by a Master’s degree in voice performance at the University of Ottawa.
Gavan has sung professionally with the Elora Festival Singers, as a soloist in operas, oratorios and recitals, and his compositions have been performed at music festivals and on CBC Radio. A devoted teacher, Gavan has also completed a Bachelor of Education at the University of Ottawa, is a member of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association, and maintains a studio of piano, voice, and theory students at his home in Ottawa. Gavan joined KUC in July 2014 and is thrilled to be a part of the team and church community. For more information or to listen to some of Gavan’s musical performances, please visit