Exploring Faith

Kitchissippi United Church offers programs designed to help you explore your faith and spirituality, no matter your age

Muddy Mess – Throw and Grow with KUC Youth 


We offer the following.

Sunday School
On most Sundays, children ages 4 to 12 are in the sanctuary for the first 15 minutes of Worship and then leave to participate in learning programs with adult volunteer leaders. The programs run for approximately 45 minutes and conclude when Worship is over.

We have two groups for children:

Juniors (ages 4 to 7) – We follow the Godly Play program and philosophy with this age group. Godly Play is a creative approach to nurturing faith and is quite different from traditional Sunday School. It is based on the recognition that children have an innate sense of the presence of God.

Awesome 8s (ages 8 to 12) – This group follows the Seasons of the Spirit curriculum which offers the children many ways to reflect upon a key Scripture reading each Sunday and to consider how it connects to their lives and to the life of our community.

On Sunday mornings, we have a nursery for babies and toddlers that is staffed by a rotating schedule of volunteers. It’s located in a room at the back of the sanctuary so parents can sneak in and out of the service quietly to attend to their child if needed.


Special Sundays: There are frequent special Sundays throughout the year. For example, Music Sundays take place approximately every six weeks. On those Sundays, both Sunday School groups join to make music together and learn new songs. This is a time for the children to enjoy music as a way to express our faith and to be together in community. We also have “Worship and Learning” Sundays when the children stay in the sanctuary for the entire hour and everyone worships together.

Youth Programs
Mahalak” and Confirmation (ages 12 to 14) – We invite community members in Grade 8 and Grade 9 to participate in a special program to mark their transition from children to young adults and to consider what that means for their faith lives. Mahalak is the Hebrew word for journey, and through this program the youth journey intentionally with each other, with their faith leaders, and with adult mentors, over the course of eight months. They explore their own beliefs, the United Church, other faiths, and our faith relationship to the wider community.

Teens (ages 14 to 18) – After the Mahalak program and/or Confirmation, the youth are actively encouraged and supported to take on a greater role in the life of the church community, including taking the lead on projects of their own choosing. We are putting in place a program called “KUC Youth LEAD (Leadership Learning, Exploration And Development.)

For more information on any of these programs, contact Faith Formation leader Diana Brushey at diana.brushey@kitchissippiuc.com

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