- This event has passed.
NO WORSHIP at KUC ON- An Invitation to join with others in the Kitchissippi UC Community on May 31
May 31, 2015 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday, May 31, 2015 An Invitation to join with others in the Kitchissippi UC Community on May 31
As previously announced, our Worship is moving outside our building and into the community on Sunday, May 31, in recognition of the importance of the closing events of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Ottawa.
You are invited to participate in one of several ways:
* 8 am — Gather at Kitchissippi UC for tea, coffee, muffins and fruit, and then car-pool with others to Dominion-Chalmers UC downtown, for combined worship at 9 am with other United Church folk.
* 11 am — Continue on to brunch after the Dominion-Chalmers service. Location to be confirmed.
* 12:30 pm — Meet the KUC group/continue on with the morning contingent, to Victoria Island, to meet up with the Walk for Reconciliation partway along its route, and walk the remainder of the route to City Hall, with our KUC banner.
* 2:00 pm — Conclude the Walk for Reconciliation at City Hall and stay to enjoy the stage program and entertainment.
Please sign up on the bulletin board in the hall so we know who is going, who can offer a ride, and who needs a ride. Thank-you! You can also review all of the opportunities available to participate and choose to go on your own — see the details at http://www.trc.ca
Here are some reflections and a call to participation from the Moderator of the United Church of Canada: “Continuing the Journey of Reconciliation” –http://www.garypaterson.ca/2015/05/11/continuing-the-journey-of-reconciliation/