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Lent Discipline
March 2, 2017 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
The book “Christ’s time for the Church” states: ‘If you were taught this about Lent: “Lent is a sustained consideration of the life and death of Jesus”, consider this instead: “Lent, until its final week, is a time of disciplined consideration of our life and death as transformed by our covenant with God and is closely related to the administration and reaffirmation of baptism at Easter.”
Discipline. Disciplined consideration. Discipleship.
What do you do outside of church that nourishes your souls/faith/minds? What do you do that helps you consider your life and death as it is transformed by your covenant with God? Do you have a spiritual discipline of prayer? Of writing/journaling? Of spending time in silence/meditation? Do you practice lectio divino? Do you spend time listening to music with a spiritual ear? Do you have a discipline of spending time building relationships?
What spiritual disciplines do you already engage in? What spiritual disciplines would you like to explore?
This Lent, you will have 6 weeks for your own personal consideration, disciplined consideration, of how your life is transformed by God. You will need to make the time for this. You will need space and you may need resources. Here are the ways we will engage at the church in lent this year:
This Lent, you will have 6 weeks for your own personal consideration, disciplined consideration, of how your life is transformed by God. You will need discipline to make the time for this. You will need space and you may need resources. Here are the ways we will engage at the church in lent this year:
we will have a weekly Lenten book study – see the information below on the book and dates.
we will have a weekly Lenten book study – see the information below on the book and dates.
- we will be offering Healing Pathway every Sunday (Kitchissippi has nine practitioners who will be offering a seated prayer after the service).
- we will celebrate communion every Sunday – the Lord’s Supper is a time of remembering that we are given bread for the journey at the table: sustenance for our time of disciplined consideration.
- we will have a session on lectio divina (Lectio Divina (Latin for “Divine Reading”) is a traditional Benedictine practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase the knowledge of God’s Word.)
Lenten book study 2017
We will be meeting once a week (6 weeks) during Lent and studying the book “Longing for Home”, edited by Alydia Smith, a United Church Minister.
This Lent, join the many biblical characters who wrestle with a longing for home, like the psalmist who asks, “How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?” In Longing for Home, diverse United Church contributors reflect on scripture related to the theme of displacement or up rootedness. They examine topics including poverty, ecology, food sovereignty, migration, the occupied Palestinian territories, and right relations between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. Contributors: Teresa Burnett-Cole, Anne Burnham, Jim Cairney, Julie Graham, Stan McKay, Carolyn Pogue, Donna Sinclair.
Dates will be: Thursday, March 2 – 10:30-12pm
Tuesday, March 7 – 10:30-12pm
Thursday, March 16 – 10:30-12
Thursday, March 23 – 1:00 – 2:30pm
Thursday, March 30 – 10:30 -12pm
Thursday, April 6 – 10:30-12pm
Books will be available in this office this week. They are $13 each, but payment is not required, so please don’t let cost be a barrier. Please speak to me if you have any questions or want to explore what your discipline might be. Rev Jenni